Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sizzler Partay!! Well not really....

It was more like a random grilling session with a lot of non-halal product. So i didn't get to eat much except for awesome salmon and mushroom. Johnny, the officer for the club came down to serve and introduced his specialty sauce and toast. It was O.K i guess if it weren't for the chaotah and hard part of the bread drowning the taste. I can't it the meat though so they made me a vegetarian one! 8D

I think only half of the people turned up. Which means more food for them (not me, i'm on a halal diet). Everyone was so mean, teasing Jia Ying about her weight and her relationship with a certain animal. Alexia was epic, she talking about boobs in front of us, comparing and commenting on other people's one! Haha!

There was a DMIT camp also at night. They were having last day campfire much like uniform group. It reminds me of my NPCC days during camp. How crazy and tiring it was during the campfire. Missed those days. Come to think of it, my camp in secondary school has always been rough and rugged, nothing that is relaxing! Man i rocks! No wonder i'm tough~

Still hungry...


Man i love this song!
Barking at the Moon - Lewis

Movie screening lataaaar!!

On a random note...


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