Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I hate Yoshino D=

Daiko training today

I woke up late, but manage to come to school just in time for badminton! I kicked ass, baby!!

Anyway, like usual, practising DOH kinda gets too boring but since i'm not perfect, playing it again and again trying to be as perfect and loud as possible, just makes it different experience.

Learned new song today, it's called Yoshino (Not to be confused with Yoshinoya). Pattern 1 and 2 was simple as pie, even the i-can't-do-it-unless-i-do-it-100-times-then-i-can-get-it-right can quickly learn it. The most complex one was pattern 3. It's super confusing. I especially hate the leg part. I always get stuck halfway, i almost throwed my machi to the ground. FL and YL kept encouraging me. Awww... so touched! Haha! Come to think of it, i've never encouraged anyone before, all i did was be an asshole. Maybe i should try switching... Hmmmm....

Oh well, have to practice pattern 3 a lot until i get it right and could do it successfully, consecutively 100 times.


Yeah Daiko is fun. I love Daiko and i don't deny it. But i do dislike the outing. Whenever there's Daiko outing, it turned into a Chinese Language Society. I'm sick of not being able to understand so maybe that's why i'm always emo-ing? Harrrumph!

Oh yeah it was pink day too. I brought pink t-shirt but i didn't wear coz my jacket was much more 'hotter' =D

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